I love my country and firmly committed to democracy and if threatened I will take to the streets to defend it

But something has gone wrong I wished more people said, understood and believed our Pledge of Allegiance At the VFW and Vietnam Veterans of America we say it all the time It says in very few words what we are all about as a nation “I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States, and to the REPUBLIC for which it stands, ONE NATION under God, INDIVISIBLE, with LIBERTY AND JUSTICE for ALL” We are the last, best hope of mankind and WE are blowing it

Things were bad in the late 1960s and early 1970s with the country divided over the Vietnam War But I didn’t think during those times the country lost faith in us being one nation indivisible or our ultimate commitment to each other and to liberty and justice for all We seemed to have done that now

I wished I had answers but I don’t I am depressed about the situation as I don’t see anyone rising to the occasion to bring us together again I want bridge builders not bridge burners but see none on the horizon I cannot understand why none are coming forward Where is our Washington, our Lincoln, our FDR?

So I too have turned inward I don’t watch TV news in any form on any channel I read certain publications but lightly I listen to music, read books, exercise and be with friend generally and especially my veteran brothers where we just enjoy each other regardless of differing opinions I feel it is escapism but I am too old to organize and lead a movement

Still I believe in the country and have faith that we will come through this time with our democratic institutions intact. I pray that it will be so every night as that is all I can do

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Excellent points! The way the Vietnam Vets were treated was absolutely disgusting & horrible!!!

The pledge of allegiance is exactly what we need to focus on & try to pass it on to others. We do this by our actions, there is TOO much TALK. We need ACTIONS!

The sacrifices our veterans & their families have made is unbelievable. We need to show the utmost respect for these men and women. We need to support them in every way we can. There are so many that have made sacrifices that we have no idea of what they went through & are still going through.

I don’t watch the news on TV(it is mostly speculation!). I don’t need the drama!

Thank you for your service. I enjoyed reading your thoughts on this subject.

However, we are never too old to start the movement of Treat Others the way YOU want to be treated!!!

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I thank you for your views on mine I appreciate them

I am a Christian I am not, however, a church goer. My view of Christianity is that is all about how we treat others It’s the do unto others as you would want to be done to you I am not perfect in executing on that but I try You are very much right in that treating others is very important

I know something is wrong as too many people believe the system is not working for them You are also right to say we need more action but we also need a dialogue on what our problems are and what are acceptable solutions to them It likely will mean no one will get everything they want but we might again have a government that works for most and is perceive to be such

From my point of view we have become a nation divided between haves and those struggling to have As Lincoln said a house divided against itself can not long stand We need to put in place polices to help those struggling to have I believe most our problems would be solved if everyone who can work should hav e job, paying a good wage with benefits, retirement and health care, that he, she or they could have some security that his job would be there tomorrow This would solve all our problems, illegal immigration for example, but I think it would make solving other problems easier, including illegal immigration

I think should consider two polices to achieve the goal:

1) a trade policy that says if you a sell a product in this country you must make a significant part of the value of that product her Too many jobs have been exported over the last few decades We have allowed China to become the arsenal of totalitarianism and we must become the arsenal of Democracy again.

2) a corporate tax policy that reinforces the first policy If corporations are to enjoy the benefits of being a persons and citizens under our laws, they should bear proportionate obligations. Carrots and sticks to be used to promote maximum US based production of goods and services A corporation that produces and employees here should pay less taxes for that and those that don’t should pay more

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I agree brother. Sometimes in order to get things back to equilibrium things swing wide on both sides and let’s hope we settle somewhere back in the middle.

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You have made so many excellent points!!! I know the feeling of I CAN’T!!!

I started on Substack b/c of your writing. I thought it would be a safe place. A place I could encourage those who have the bravery to be creative. I respect people who are looking to themselves to see how they can be better, instead of blaming this person or a group of people. It didn’t take long for all the naysayers & peoples cruelty to surface. I have watched people get so upset about things they will never have control over. I often wonder what would happen if they would put as much effort, energy& passion in their 3 ft. circle.

Your writing gives me new perspective on things. It causes me to think.

I think you’re not a bad “Christian, Veteran…”

I think you have voiced how a lot of us feel, but have let social media influence us to a degree that has occupied our minds for way too long.

It’s scary to go against the grain & rejoice in the things that are good in our lives, our relationships, & our country.

Keep doing what you do Stan.

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Thank you! I think sometimes we just become complicit in all of it because going with the flow is somehow easier. The world ain’t that bad in person haha. We play the comparison game and doubts and insecurities rise to the surface and it’s all a facade really. I agree with you, if people would focus on what they can actually affect the world would likely be way less chaotic.

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I can definitely relate. It is overwhelming at times to try to focus on the good. Social media exists for me so I can keep up with my co workers whom I retired with in Florida, keep up with my passion for curing kids cancer through the St Baldricks foundation and keeping up with our church and personal family. All that other stuff I have to ignore or pass over. It’s hard not to get caught up in it! You are a blessing to so many folks through this outlet. Don’t stop! Love and hugs!!

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I always appreciate the encouragement. Yea I only keep Facebook to share these and stay connected to my deployment guys in a private group we have. I just can’t wait til we hit some equilibrium and people get back to being nice haha. One can hope.

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I can relate here. The one thing I think you and I can agree on is that our core beliefs and values are unwavering. We still know right from wrong. We can tell bad from good. As long as we don’t lose that and we stand on those beliefs and values then It doesn’t matter what you say, or post, or share. Our actions and how we choose to live our lives and interact with those we meet will always be louder than our words.

Divisiveness and politics and all that other stuff be damned. Let’s continue to do the best we can do with what we have and if an opportunity presents itself to do some good in the world, then do it.

Love you bud. Chin up yea?

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Agreed man, I think that’s what I meant about that 3ft circle. I just don’t stress about the noise outside of what I can personally control because I feel like we are being fed outrage so we stay divided but when we actually talk as humans it seems most of us (despite differing views) are on the same relative page.

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