In the last few weeks, we have buried a president, inaugurated another, and said farewell to a third. You can say it’s been an eventful season for our political circus. Emotions have been stirred on all sides for one reason or another. Yet, I feel absolutely nothing. I honestly don’t care anymore about any of it. I have become apathetic to our government as a whole.
I see people virtue signaling daily for their party’s ideals, and I couldn’t care less. I know what you’re thinking: “This (insert policy or event) affects us all, how are you not outraged?” Truthfully, what does any of it matter anyway? We can shout from the rooftops about offenses—perceived or actual—and nothing will change. Any time I’ve raised my voice in opposition or support, I’ve just left hoarse.
The bigger issue I have is the overall noise online. Social media is a cesspool of indignation and self-victimization on all sides. Again, who cares? My apathy and indifference may be a privileged position, and I am fully aware. I just don’t have the emotional bandwidth to care about the plight of humanity anymore. I can pretend—like many of you so vehemently do online—that I’m moved by this or that event in the news cycle. But, in the end, if it’s outside of my three-foot radius of influence, I’m unbothered by it. So, I don’t add to the static on the internet. If something is within that sphere of influence, I address it on my own accord, and you’d likely never know about it.
This likely makes me a bad Christian, American, Veteran, and whatever other adjective you’d like to attribute to me. That’s okay. I have nothing to prove. I think, in many ways, we’ve feigned passion for things we aren’t actually passionate about so many times that nothing seems to rise to that level of importance anymore. It’s like our culture is the boy who cried wolf so many times that we won’t recognize real threats even when canine teeth rip into our flesh. We’ve become desensitized to tragedy because we are so inundated with it. We have developed compassion fatigue. At least, I know I have.
So, how does one combat these feelings of complete disconnection to societal collapse? Being invested in a particular community or group can often help with feelings of apathy and cultural detachment. I’ve found the more I isolate myself from real human connection, the more the noise online can affect my mental health. I imagine unplugging from the source of discontentment will help assuage any ill effects derived from my devices.
Then, I think, if I unplug and remove myself from it all, will these weekly posts continue? Should I be complicit in stoking an algorithm that favors content creation over substance? Do my words or thoughts even matter? I wrestle with that weekly. I wonder many times as I scrawl these half-cocked ideas if my voice rises above the cultural noise or if what I have to say even matters in the grand scheme of the world at large. Time will tell. All I know is that we are the most connected and equally isolated as we’ve ever been in history, and it can’t be good to receive so much information daily.
I can relate here. The one thing I think you and I can agree on is that our core beliefs and values are unwavering. We still know right from wrong. We can tell bad from good. As long as we don’t lose that and we stand on those beliefs and values then It doesn’t matter what you say, or post, or share. Our actions and how we choose to live our lives and interact with those we meet will always be louder than our words.
Divisiveness and politics and all that other stuff be damned. Let’s continue to do the best we can do with what we have and if an opportunity presents itself to do some good in the world, then do it.
Love you bud. Chin up yea?
I love my country and firmly committed to democracy and if threatened I will take to the streets to defend it
But something has gone wrong I wished more people said, understood and believed our Pledge of Allegiance At the VFW and Vietnam Veterans of America we say it all the time It says in very few words what we are all about as a nation “I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States, and to the REPUBLIC for which it stands, ONE NATION under God, INDIVISIBLE, with LIBERTY AND JUSTICE for ALL” We are the last, best hope of mankind and WE are blowing it
Things were bad in the late 1960s and early 1970s with the country divided over the Vietnam War But I didn’t think during those times the country lost faith in us being one nation indivisible or our ultimate commitment to each other and to liberty and justice for all We seemed to have done that now
I wished I had answers but I don’t I am depressed about the situation as I don’t see anyone rising to the occasion to bring us together again I want bridge builders not bridge burners but see none on the horizon I cannot understand why none are coming forward Where is our Washington, our Lincoln, our FDR?
So I too have turned inward I don’t watch TV news in any form on any channel I read certain publications but lightly I listen to music, read books, exercise and be with friend generally and especially my veteran brothers where we just enjoy each other regardless of differing opinions I feel it is escapism but I am too old to organize and lead a movement
Still I believe in the country and have faith that we will come through this time with our democratic institutions intact. I pray that it will be so every night as that is all I can do