Dissonance is a word I picked up in one of the few counseling sessions I did at a local Vet Center before my counselor quit. It is defined as a tension or clash resulting from combining two disharmonious or unsuitable elements. In music, it denotes a lack of harmony in notes, and as someone who grew up playing in metalcore bands, we lived on dissonant notes to create tension. It also summed up my military service perfectly. I’ve glommed on to that phrase because it so succinctly illustrates the war for me. I’m proud I deployed during my generation’s war. I worry that history will continue to show it as a war on false pretenses.
Stan. I read both articles today. The one about the bridge also. I can never experience what you have been through. Yes, I have seen lots of dead bodies from my time working in corrections (most all suicides). I cannot imagine what you had to endure over there. It is so good to know you get relief from your writings. I think that is wonderful. Please don’t stop. Love and hugs! 🤗
Similarly, I can’t imagine working in corrections as what I experienced was only a year of my life vs the day in and day out years you did a very stressful and likely traumatic job. I’d venture to say you had it much worse than I did.
Great writing!!! Definitely needed to read this today. Dissonance, Duality…
It seems to define me…dissonance haha
Stan. I read both articles today. The one about the bridge also. I can never experience what you have been through. Yes, I have seen lots of dead bodies from my time working in corrections (most all suicides). I cannot imagine what you had to endure over there. It is so good to know you get relief from your writings. I think that is wonderful. Please don’t stop. Love and hugs! 🤗
Similarly, I can’t imagine working in corrections as what I experienced was only a year of my life vs the day in and day out years you did a very stressful and likely traumatic job. I’d venture to say you had it much worse than I did.