It’s always fascinated me how two people can experience the same scenario and have wildly different opinions on what occurred. Our perspectives are skewed by the lenses in which we see the world. Some are rose-colored, and others only see monochrome. Context is altered by the optics you apply to each situation. Whether implicit or complicit, we choose how we view the world.
Another good one Stan. Our personalities and our view of life are forged in great part in our childhood. I was the red headed kid; thin as a rail, always sick with some childhood disease I felt different and I was picked on and bullied Brains were less valued than brawn in the town I grew up in.
Rather than come swinging out of the corner (I was smart enough to know I would get my little butt beat or a regular basis if I did), I used humor as a defense mechanism I learned that humor tinged with a little acid that threatened embarrassment was a powerful weapon.
As a friend of mine said, “I’m not paranoid, I have real enemies.” In the world we live in there are bad people out there. So I try to see the good in people but I like to hold back to judge people before making myself vulnerable. Overall I find more good than bad people, though lately my view seems to be tested by the craziness that is going on in the world.
I like especially your statement “I refuse to be made to feel small again.” To me that is the correct attitude, even if you have to come out swinging.
The person I am getting to know as Stan Lake, is no small person. You look tough but I am impressed with your sensitivity, sincerity, openness and sense of humor—and I forgot, intelligence. Your wife who sees good has you pegged right. Keep listening to her and continue to be fearless and vulnerable.
Thanks Larry! I too was bullied and a small kid with glasses growing up. I was spoken down to at home as well. Im sure that’s what made me get into wrestling and later boxing and MMA training. I come out swinging usually verbally, but if that doesn’t work I trained to back it up haha and thankfully my quick wit and humor solves things so I never have to get physical. I’ve never been a macho dude so vulnerability is strength to me and if we can’t be honest with who we are what are we. I appreciate your comments and it’s awesome to continually find common threads.
It’s hard at times for all of us to see the good in this world. I try and sometimes I feel beat down. Please keep trying! You have so much to offer. Don’t stop. Sometimes I have to remember what Glenna told me. My circumstances don’t define who I am. My convictions define me.
Always so good to read your thoughts! Love and Hugs always!!
Another good one Stan. Our personalities and our view of life are forged in great part in our childhood. I was the red headed kid; thin as a rail, always sick with some childhood disease I felt different and I was picked on and bullied Brains were less valued than brawn in the town I grew up in.
Rather than come swinging out of the corner (I was smart enough to know I would get my little butt beat or a regular basis if I did), I used humor as a defense mechanism I learned that humor tinged with a little acid that threatened embarrassment was a powerful weapon.
As a friend of mine said, “I’m not paranoid, I have real enemies.” In the world we live in there are bad people out there. So I try to see the good in people but I like to hold back to judge people before making myself vulnerable. Overall I find more good than bad people, though lately my view seems to be tested by the craziness that is going on in the world.
I like especially your statement “I refuse to be made to feel small again.” To me that is the correct attitude, even if you have to come out swinging.
The person I am getting to know as Stan Lake, is no small person. You look tough but I am impressed with your sensitivity, sincerity, openness and sense of humor—and I forgot, intelligence. Your wife who sees good has you pegged right. Keep listening to her and continue to be fearless and vulnerable.
Thanks Larry! I too was bullied and a small kid with glasses growing up. I was spoken down to at home as well. Im sure that’s what made me get into wrestling and later boxing and MMA training. I come out swinging usually verbally, but if that doesn’t work I trained to back it up haha and thankfully my quick wit and humor solves things so I never have to get physical. I’ve never been a macho dude so vulnerability is strength to me and if we can’t be honest with who we are what are we. I appreciate your comments and it’s awesome to continually find common threads.
I look forward to your writing every week! You never fail to amaze me. This was so good! Thank you for sharing!!!
Thank you so much
It’s hard at times for all of us to see the good in this world. I try and sometimes I feel beat down. Please keep trying! You have so much to offer. Don’t stop. Sometimes I have to remember what Glenna told me. My circumstances don’t define who I am. My convictions define me.
Always so good to read your thoughts! Love and Hugs always!!
Thanks Rick, and that’s some good wisdom.
Best yet!!
Your hard gained wisdom is showing.
Appreciate your vulnerability and disciplined humility.
Thanks John!