Good read Dogs are special to me I rescued two cockers and fell in love with the bread Both were blind but you would have never known it They got along from the first time together They knew after being with me that they had hit the jackpot and would want for nothing By grace of god my last two were together from birth and they never felt threatened by the others actions If one ate the others food they knew more would be given I share your being bullied and share your reaction as an adult though I try my best to defuse situations with humor but in the end I will not be bullied again
Good read. Thanks for sharing it reminds me that we all have to check ourselves when something unexpected happens, or a bad memory rises to the surface because of current circumstances. I find myself having to step back in my mind and say to myself, is this the way I am going to react, or is there a better way. Sometimes the better way wins, other times not. When not I usually end up angry at myself! Again thanks for sharing in a wonderful way. Love and hugs!
My lab growls at times to my little bichons or vice versa. My little boy bichon don't like anyone coming near him when he's eating and he has attacked his little sister. Everyone's afraid one is getting more than the other or something different. I have to watch them when they eat and they are usually separated. Never a good time when theres aggression or a little fight. Very stressful indeed.
It wasn’t fun for sure. Both dogs are female and apparently from what I’ve read sometimes they will challenge each other more so than males for pack dominance. It’s interesting but also frustrating. That picture is of the two of them playing in the yard a few years ago but it fit so perfect because it looks like they’re fighting there.
Good read Dogs are special to me I rescued two cockers and fell in love with the bread Both were blind but you would have never known it They got along from the first time together They knew after being with me that they had hit the jackpot and would want for nothing By grace of god my last two were together from birth and they never felt threatened by the others actions If one ate the others food they knew more would be given I share your being bullied and share your reaction as an adult though I try my best to defuse situations with humor but in the end I will not be bullied again
Dogs are great! I appreciate your comment and thanks for reading! We are very much alike.
Definitely a scary situation! I’m glad everything worked out. Thank you for sharing. You have definitely given me something to think about.
Thanks for reading!
Good read. Thanks for sharing it reminds me that we all have to check ourselves when something unexpected happens, or a bad memory rises to the surface because of current circumstances. I find myself having to step back in my mind and say to myself, is this the way I am going to react, or is there a better way. Sometimes the better way wins, other times not. When not I usually end up angry at myself! Again thanks for sharing in a wonderful way. Love and hugs!
Man I do the same thing and it’s like I can’t stop it once I’ve started sometimes and hate it more after haha
Incredible story, mate. I love the tie in at the end.
Thanks dude, I’m over here putting the spin on stuff haha
Bitches be trippin
Yea, at times they do be.
My lab growls at times to my little bichons or vice versa. My little boy bichon don't like anyone coming near him when he's eating and he has attacked his little sister. Everyone's afraid one is getting more than the other or something different. I have to watch them when they eat and they are usually separated. Never a good time when theres aggression or a little fight. Very stressful indeed.
It wasn’t fun for sure. Both dogs are female and apparently from what I’ve read sometimes they will challenge each other more so than males for pack dominance. It’s interesting but also frustrating. That picture is of the two of them playing in the yard a few years ago but it fit so perfect because it looks like they’re fighting there.
Oh yes they do challenge each other. 2 females & 1 make and they just want to have rights 😂