Do you ever just want to give up? If you spend more than five minutes scrolling on social media, or the cesspool of your local news, you will likely notice your mood sour. The world is on fire. Nations are at war. The economy is dismal. Churches are corrupt. We are living through a mass extinction. Habitats are collapsing. Everyone I know is deconstructing, or have walked away from their faith entirely. This seems to be the narrative we are being fed anyway. We are all so busy and seem equally unfulfilled. Most people I know are depressed, anxious or just apathetic. Who has time to dream with all these things happening on a daily basis? We are just trying to survive. I guess with everything happening all at once, over and over, it's easy to want to give up. Don’t throw in the towel just yet. Hear me out.
I have read three of your articles this morning. There is so much truth in all 3 of them!!!
The reservations you express about the interaction with AJ, is what I have felt so many times in my life.
The times that I have allowed my fear & trepidation to not control me, I have had the same experience you did.
There have been wonderful moments.
A millennial in no man’s land is conversations I have had with myself frequently.
I have also tried to teach my children & grandchildren that Jesus is not surprised @ what is going on. He knew exactly what each one of us was going to do & He STILL chose to die on the cross for US!!!
I have also come to believe that I have enough things that I am going to answer for on judgement day, I need to examine & judge my actions NOT anyone else’s!
I’m not being asked to die for anyone. I am asked to show the love of Jesus to everyone I can.
Don’t give up is definitely what I needed to read @ this point of my life. I have in the past 3 days uttered what is my purpose? Why am I here? I watch what loved ones are going through & feel helpless to help them. It is a terrible feeling.
I appreciate your transparency more than you will ever know.
Don’t give up Stan! You are reaching people in ways that no one else has or can!!!
I would say that these three writings were definitely written for me!!!
THIS is why I continue to write these week after week. I may not be the best writer but I’m figuring it out day by day and hopefully like you mentioned, my honesty and transparency can supersede any grammatical and mechanical issues with my writing haha. I really appreciate you taking the time to read these. It literally has been a mantra of mine when I get discouraged at the “numbers” regarding readership that I shrug and say “I just hope Rick and Glenna like it.” Your support has carried me multiple weeks and so I appreciate that you’re reading AND even better that they have been helpful. You’re doing exactly what you need to be doing and were called to do. Don’t let doubt or insecurities rob you of that truth. You’re enough and you’re freakin awesome!
I have read three of your articles this morning. There is so much truth in all 3 of them!!!
The reservations you express about the interaction with AJ, is what I have felt so many times in my life.
The times that I have allowed my fear & trepidation to not control me, I have had the same experience you did.
There have been wonderful moments.
A millennial in no man’s land is conversations I have had with myself frequently.
I have also tried to teach my children & grandchildren that Jesus is not surprised @ what is going on. He knew exactly what each one of us was going to do & He STILL chose to die on the cross for US!!!
I have also come to believe that I have enough things that I am going to answer for on judgement day, I need to examine & judge my actions NOT anyone else’s!
I’m not being asked to die for anyone. I am asked to show the love of Jesus to everyone I can.
Don’t give up is definitely what I needed to read @ this point of my life. I have in the past 3 days uttered what is my purpose? Why am I here? I watch what loved ones are going through & feel helpless to help them. It is a terrible feeling.
I appreciate your transparency more than you will ever know.
Don’t give up Stan! You are reaching people in ways that no one else has or can!!!
I would say that these three writings were definitely written for me!!!
THIS is why I continue to write these week after week. I may not be the best writer but I’m figuring it out day by day and hopefully like you mentioned, my honesty and transparency can supersede any grammatical and mechanical issues with my writing haha. I really appreciate you taking the time to read these. It literally has been a mantra of mine when I get discouraged at the “numbers” regarding readership that I shrug and say “I just hope Rick and Glenna like it.” Your support has carried me multiple weeks and so I appreciate that you’re reading AND even better that they have been helpful. You’re doing exactly what you need to be doing and were called to do. Don’t let doubt or insecurities rob you of that truth. You’re enough and you’re freakin awesome!