I’m not some self-help guy, but I want to share something that’s helped shape my perspective lately. Just because you’ve failed doesn’t make you a failure. All you have to do is try again and boom, not a failure. Each step forward is a step in the right direction and away from failure. Keep stepping. Keep learning. This is how we move forward. This is how you finally break through, one step at a time.
I have to remind myself of this as I strike out repeatedly. Recently I drove around nine hours round trip to hike in prime habitat for a few hours. On that three-mile hike, all I found were chiggers, countless ticks, biting flies, and an army of mosquitos. That wasn’t very “animal expert” of me. No cool wildlife was discovered under logs or along the trail. But that’s the way it goes most of the time. I went to hang out with a friend. The hiking was just a bonus. The conversation and shared experience were the real treasures. That was worth every insect bite and mile driven. Perspective.
I’ve driven countless miles since the last “successful” adventure. I don’t consider coming up short in the way of animals a complete waste. I’m putting in the work. This stuff doesn’t come as easy as travel writers and reality TV stars—or YouTubers—make it look. Everything comes down to planning, execution, and a whole lot of luck. I’ve driven to pristine habitat on perfect nights only to find nothing. That’s the norm. There always seems to be some unaccounted variable I forgot to plan for—like a cold front or phase of the moon—that deters wildlife and discourages me.
Sometimes I feel like I’m fooling myself into thinking the next time will be different. Then the stars line up and the animals come out to play. I find myself in a wonderland of awe. You benefit from those experiences—I hope. That’s usually when I put pen to paper or shoot a video showcasing the wonders I’ve discovered. Those magical trips keep me coming back repeatedly. For the third time this week, I drove home empty-handed and bleary-eyed away from wild places. So it goes. Half the fun is when the adventure goes bad anyway.
The positives always outweigh the negatives. Even though I didn’t return triumphant with an adventure story or award-winning photo, I enjoyed being out there. There’s something about being away from home and out in the wild. I heard Bob-White quail calling at Croatan National Forest which warmed my heart immeasurably this week. I heard copious frogs and whippoorwills calling from a marsh on Scotland County game lands. My wife and I even saw a large river cooter turtle laying eggs on the side of the road two miles from our house. These are all wins despite being “commonplace.” A win is a win.
I didn’t fail, I gained an opportunity to learn and try again…and again. Once I shift my perspective, I feel less defeated and look at each setback as a setup for recalibration. So, did I drive over 500 miles this week to find one toad that I could have seen in my backyard? Yes, yes, I did. He’s a glorious toad, the best. So, it was worth it. At least that’s what I’m telling myself. My camera stayed in the bag, but my heart still felt full. Adventure is what you make of it. I’m learning all the variables and modifying my approach one opportunity at a time. I’m learning to fail forward and I have to say I like the outcomes more this way. Onward to the next adventure.
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What a great story. I love the title. We all fail, but it’s the trying that counts. I have been there. Driving or going somewhere expecting and then being disappointed by the outcome. I still look at those times as a win because most times I was with someone I love deeply, so those times were not wasted, but blessed. Keep it up my friend! Love and hugs!
It was absolutely worth it for me. I enjoyed not finding any frogs or snakes with you!